To join this site and get updates on new articles click on the “join this site” button on the bottom of the page. Through this site you can follow me on trips, modifications, product reviews, etc. Please feel free to comment, make requests, or ask questions on any post. If you've found this site enjoyable, or perhaps saved yourself some money and would like to make a small contribution to help pay for the server and maintenance costs please click on the "Donate" button. Enjoy, ride safe, and keep your knees in the breeze. -Jared

I haven't disappeared.

I've had an incredibly busy year, including moving four times, and starting a new business, so this blog has been on the back burner. That being said. I'm still here and riding regularly. 


  1. busy time?
    don't disappeared

  2. Awesome bike , just saw your youtube video 👍
