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She is gone!

In the Spring of 2010 I came out to a business card on my motorcycle. On the back side of the card someone had written, "I want to buy you bike". I was somewhat shocked that someone would be so forward about it. There are a lot of beautiful bikes out there, but I figured it couldn't hurt to give the guy a call. After talking with him, and giving him a price, I felt like would be fair, he agreed. The next day he called and explained to me that his wife and talked him out of it and that he wasn't quite financially prepared to purchase it. Oh well, I thought. It wasn't like I was trying to sell it anyways.

Last Monday I got a text message asking me if it was still available, and of course it was, so he made me an offer on it. I told him that the bike isn't something that I am trying to sell. It has never been listed for sale and that I would only let it go for my original amount. He told me he wasn't sure if he could spend that much, and I explain than maybe this isn't the bike for you. Later that night, at 11:30pm (you know he could sleep:)), I got a text message saying he'd take it.

So needless to say, my beautiful Kawasaki Nomad has a new owner. I had a lot of fun with this bike, but I look forward to finding a new bike to customize.

Here are a few pics of my last ride.

Jared M. Gant


  1. A beautiful baby gone, another one even more beautiful on the way...or maybe already here?? I haven't had an update text lately....

  2. I just picked up and '06 Nomad last week and was thinking about doing the solo seat thing with it. I like how yours looks. Best of luck finding and personalizing your next ride.

  3. The next one will be here soon! Three 1600 Nomads in two years!!! All have been profitable! Who ever said metric bike loose their value quickly hasn't hung around me. :)

  4. Doug- If you are wanting a solo rack to mount on the rear fender, the sporster solo rack mounted up perfectly on my new Nomad.

